Saturday 16 September 2017

A full week of school completed, and it was a great one!!

Just a few important notes for the coming weeks:

Curriculum night is this Thursday at 7:00. If you can make it we'd love to see you.

School lunch starts next Monday the 25th.

No school for students on Friday September 29th due to teacher inservice.

 Our Terry Fox walk is scheduled for Thursday September 28th (weather permitting.)

You child should be bringing home their agenda each night. Please check it nightly and have a look in the front pouch.

Just a reminder our school was adopted by Coles Avalon Mall. It started today and runs for 3 weeks. Please visit Adopt a School and look at at how easy it is for our school to receive some free books! Spread the word too!

Thursday 7 September 2017

WELCOME to Grade 3
We are going to have a wonderful year and learn many new things!

This year there are two teachers teaching this class, myself (Ms. McIsaac) and Ms. Rogers. I will be teaching the Language Arts and Science portion and Ms. Rogers will take care of Math and the remaining courses. We have a lot planned and don't forget to visit her site once it's up and running.

Thank you  for returning the registration forms so quickly if you haven't sent the forms back please do so asap.

Agendas will go home Friday so please check them nightly as they may have important information for you.

Registration for School Lunch is now open please visit--

Some important dates: 

September 21st: Curriculum Night 7:00pm

September 25: School Lunch Starts 

September 29th: Tentative Date for PD

A few notes:
Don't forget to ensure your child has gym sneakers.
If you need to send an email please send it to both myself and Ms. Rogers.